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Our organization is based off of the twi word Sankofa. Sankofa is a Ghanaian word that translates to “it is not taboo to fetch what is at risk of being left behind”.
And with the help and growth of our program

Development Tracks
In partnership with Bank of America, members on this track will develop skills in financial modeling and valuation, financial principles, analyzing financial markets and Excel.
Data Science & AI
In partnership with IBM Digital Skills for Africa, members on this track will develop skills in machine learning models, intelligent systems, and algorithms.
Software Engineering
In partnership with Google Developer Student Clubs (DSC), members on this track will develop skills in Python, PHP, Django, front-end development and more.


Accounting, University of Ghana
To me Black Sisters in STEM is a social enterprise that teaches and helps young women understand what it means to be a woman of color in today’s global business environment and how to rise above the stereotypes and challenges we may face by equipping us with the necessary skillset and knowledge to ensure professional and personal success.

MSc. Electrical and Software Engineering, McGill University
I applied to this program because I realized I had the wrong idea of what the real world what like transitioning from school to a career and was excited about an opportunity for young girls like myself to be equipped for the industry. Black Sisters in STEM has given me valuable experiences and the essential professional skills to excel as a female in the male-dominated industry of technology.
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